
Miracle Monday Connection Calls

Miracle Monday Connection Calls

"A miracle is a shift in perspective from fear to love." ~Marianne Williamson The intention of these calls is literally to "call in a miracle" individually and collectively. We work on all levels, right to the energy field, where everything is formed before it becomes...

The Exploration & Expression of My Authentic Self

The last several months have held some of the best, worst and most enlightening moments of my life.  I’ve allowed myself to show up…more than I ever have…for myself, for my children, my friends and even, bit by bit, for my family of origin.  When I first chose to...

Love, Fear, and Self-rejection

The hardest battle you’ll ever have to fight is the battle to be yourself. ~unknown Interesting magic happens when a relationship is perceived as SAFE; ‘he’s married, I’ll never see him again, he’s not my type’ – and thus we allow ourselves to SHOW UP…fully as...

Learning to Love yourself and Quiet the Inner Critic

There is an epidemic on the planet. It is an epidemic of self-loathing, unworthiness, and feeling as if we are never good enough. And it’s ludicrous and must stop now, before our future generations become riddled with it and pass it down to their children. It is my...

Stop Trying

People have asked me what the difference is in my energy lately. “You seem different,” people have said. “Your energy is flowing better.” Here’s the secret…I gave up! I stopped trying. Sounds terrible I know but OMG – it’s amazing. Trying is HARD by definition. I...

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